Case Study


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About the company

BioProtect has built a proprietary technology platform specializing in creating biodegradable balloons used to protect healthy organs from radiation damage during cancer radiotherapy. BioProtect opened a subsidiary in Germany known as BioProtect GMBH. The company’s current solution is a spacer used for protecting healthy tissues for patients receiving radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer. The product is CE-approved, and FDA trials are currently underway to receive approval for using the product in the US.


BioProtect’s product is safer, better, and easier to apply than any other product currently available on the market, and it could simplify the task of medical professionals and improve the safety and comfort of patients. The company had opened its subsidiary in Germany and needed a way to find viable local contacts in the medical industry to market its solution.

The company first had to do the research necessary to identify its target market. As medicine is such a large and diverse field, the amount of research quickly became overwhelming. Additionally, BioProtect faced the challenge of identifying leads that could make use of the technology. Finally, even after prospects had been identified, contacting and arranging meetings with doctors and high-level executives of medical institutions was challenging. Many high-level executives are difficult to access and communicate with. Most of the preliminary communication occurs via gatekeepers, i.e., secretaries or executive assistants who choose who the executive will meet with. Getting past the gatekeepers proved to be another obstacle for BioProtect’s team to face. With a limited sales team, the amount of work was extremely daunting. In addition, opening a new operation in a foreign country with its own language, culture, and customs added an extra layer of challenges.

BioProtect knew that they needed professional assistance to reach the executives and doctors in their target market and to communicate with their prospects transparently.

The Solution

BioProtect called in DRolls to help identify and schedule technology demos with potential prospects. DRolls began by compiling a database of qualified leads from organizations that met BioProtect’s criteria, ensuring to only target decision-makers who would be interested in the product. This included medical professionals such as executives in radiation clinics as well as oncology departments in clinics and hospitals, urologists, and oncologists. Next, DRolls collected background information and contact details of each lead.

DRolls assigned a team of SDRs in Germany (sales development representatives) to call sales prospects and present themselves as BioProtect employees. This ensured that the experienced SDRs knew how to speak with prospects in their native language with in-depth knowledge of the culture and expected etiquette. It was clear that the target market included very busy individuals (physicians and executives) who were difficult to reach. This made it imperative that DRolls’ SDR team create a calling strategy that considered the timing of calls and ensured that the leads would be available at those times.

Additionally, the team used DRolls’ unique methodology which includes account-based marketing and personalized approaches to gain both their interest and attention. Additionally, DRolls’ team built a rapport with gatekeepers to access decision-makers. DRolls successfully arranged meetings and demos for BioProtect with potential prospects and successfully coordinated outreach efforts.

The Result


Within two months, Drolls Associate’s calling strategy led to over 70 qualified meetings with leaders of the industry in Germany. Apart from identifying and connecting BioProtect with their target market, DRolls offered the company a new understanding of their target and was able to provide its team with insights on what messaging resonated with their prospects.

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